Smart Eco design 
Making the most of natural resources – sun, air & water.

Passive solar heating
Orientated towards the sun.
Thermal mass heated by winter sun keeps the house warm and cool in summer.
Solar panels generate electricity into batteries or grid-tied.
Solar hot water panels.

Maximize natural light
Strategically placed windows over work spaces and walkways.

Good ventilation
Make the most of prevailing summer winds and the rising of hot air to draw in the cooler external ground air, creating natural AC.

Water efficiency
Harvest rain water with low-flow faucets. Recycle grey water.

Sustainable alternatives
Choose materials that use less energy to produce and use and give off less or no hazardous toxic chemicals.

Get the same function with less materials / components.

Thermal envelope around the house
Lots of high quality insulation.
Well-wrapped and sealed house.
Double-glazing and thermal curtains.
Careful construction with no thermal bridges.

3 Rs: Reduce Recycle and Reuse
Reduce – Smaller is less harmful.
Reuse – Choose materials that can be reused. Cradle-to-Cradle thinking.
Recycle – Timber & joinery – collect and store the materials.

Eco-building is a great sustainable start to helping out the planet. We’re at the stage where sustainable isn’t enough. It’s just a slower way to die. We need to regenerate our eco-systems to survive and thrive. Houses can give more than they take. See the Living Building challenge. Do your own carbon off-set by planting lots of trees to balance the eco deficit. Produce more power than you need and sell it to a daylight user – a nearby shop or office. Better still leave the car in the garage and cycle – Find a better way to go and show others the path.

Eco building suits all budgets – from using recyled materials to remote controlled smart houses with cladding and panels that power the house and the car.